Friday, June 02, 2017 by Mike Adams
The key accomplishment of the climate change cult (so far) has been to convince gullible environmentalists that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” that’s somehow bad for the planet, even when CO2 is the “greening” molecule for all plant life.
Carbon dioxide is the essential molecule for all plant life, and without it, the entire web of life on our planet would instantly collapse. Yet misinformed environmentalists have been exhaustively convinced that carbon dioxide is somehow a “death” molecule for the planet, when exactly the opposite is true: The planet would die without it… and humans would have no vegetables, no fruits, no herbs and no cannabis at all if it wasn’t for carbon dioxide.
Climate change fanatics repeatedly cite “science” as their domain from which they might demand absolute compliance and obedience to their delusions. “Science,” they say, is why they never have to provide any real evidence that would support the bizarre notion that carbon dioxide is somehow bad for the planet. No debate is allowed, either, because they claim a monopoly over “science” by asserting all debates are “already settled.” Therefore, no further discussion may be tolerated. (This is the twisted, Left-wing version of science totalitarianism, courtesy of sociopathic, power hungry science overlords like Neil DeGrasse Tyson.)
In reality, every real scientist knows that carbon dioxide is essential for all plant life across the planet. As the following science diagram shows, carbon dioxide is necessary for plants to breathe. Without it, they would suffocate in minutes:
Not only is carbon dioxide necessary for all plant respiration via photosynthesis, it’s also the key ingredient used by plants to synthesize nearly every medicinal molecule that’s loved by herbalists, natural medicine practitioners and even medical cannabis advocates.
All cannabinoids are made out of carbon dioxide, for example. This includes CBD and THC. For those of you who aren’t chemists, every line segment in the molecular maps shown below represents a carbon bond. Double lines are double carbon bonds. Carbon atoms have four available bonds in their outer shell, and those bonds may be occupied by Oxygen (often a double bond), Hydrogen (a single bond) or other Carbon atoms. (Related: Learn more about chemistry by reading Chemistry.news.)
There are 21 carbons, for example, in a molecule of cannabidiol. Guess where the hemp plant gets this carbon? From carbon dioxide, of course, which all the hemp-smoking Leftists are convinced is an evil molecule:
Despite the fact that cannabidiol comes from carbon dioxide, climate change cultists are simultaneously “pro hemp” and “anti carbon dioxide.” How can this be the case? Because they are science idiots who have been brainwashed by the liberal establishment to despise the very molecule that creates nearly all the natural medicines in the world.
Anyone who hates carbon dioxide must, by definition, hate CBD, THC and all plants. Yet, astonishingly, climate change cultists think they support “green lifestyles” by opposing the very molecule necessary for all plant life on our planet. That’s how gullible and brainwashed they are: They’ll believe anything if it is claimed to “save the planet” (even if it murders the planet).
Curcumin, a powerful anti-cancer nutrient found in turmeric, is also made from carbon dioxide. As you can see in this molecular diagram, it’s made from 21 carbons. Where do you suppose the turmeric plant acquires the carbon it needs to manufacture this molecule? From atmospheric carbon dioxide, of course, the very molecule that delusional climate change fanatics have said they want to eliminate from the planet because it’s a “pollutant.”
In fact, nearly every medicinal molecule in all of botany is made out of carbon dioxide. CO2 is the key source of carbon used by plants to synthesize everything from chlorophyll to resveratrol. Every healing nutrient in basil, oregano, cinnamon, cilantro, garlic and pomegranate fruit is made out of carbon dioxide. The entire world of natural medicine owes its very basis to CO2.
This is why every herbalist, naturopath and medicinal arts practitioner should be in favor of carbon dioxide. Without this molecule, they would all be out of business (and dead, technically, since all life on the planet would collapse).
Every person who argues that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet is a science idiot. Neil Tyson is a science idiot. Bill Nye is a science idiot. Elon Musk is a science idiot. And Al Gore is a science idiot, too. They all have one laughably stupid thing in common: They think carbon dioxide is bad for plant life on Earth. This makes them total morons who couldn’t even pass a high school science class.
Seriously, they would all earn “F” grades in a high school science class because they can’t even get the answer correct on which molecules are involved in photosynthesis.
I remember studying photosynthesis in the tenth grade. I was 16 years old, and my science teacher was an awesome, liberty-loving gun owner who later taught us genetics and microbiology. Photosynthesis was simple stuff then, and it’s simple now. Yet the global warming lunatics are trying to memory hole all science education that covers carbon dioxide or genetics because they have to push their delusional narratives of global warming and transgenderism. Somehow, they ridiculously claim to have a monopoly over “science,” even when their stupid narratives are so full of junk science quackery that real scientists are laughing their heads off everywhere.
The bottom line in all this? Any person who insists that carbon dioxide is “bad” for the planet is a scientifically illiterate moron. These are often the very same people drinking green juice smoothies who don’t even know that plants are green precisely because chlorophyll harnesses carbon dioxide and sunlight to create plant energy. If any molecule is a “green” molecule on our planet, it’s CO2!
Tagged Under: Tags: carbon dioxide, CBD, CO2, curcumin, molecules, Plants, real science, THC