Health Ranger News

How to Interpret an ICP-MS Heavy Metals Lab Report (Video)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017 by

The Health Ranger explains how to interpret an ICP-MS heavy metals lab report, including a discussion of ppm vs. ppb, toxic elements such as aluminum, and the function of internal standards.

Podcast Transcript: “If you are wanting to know how to read and interpret the CWC Labs heavy metals analysis report you are listening to the right podcast. Welcome. I am Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, founder and lab science director of CWC Labs. Since we have been publishing quite a few documents, that are sort of raw analysis documents, we have had a few questions from people about how to interpret these documents. So, that’s what this is all about. There’s a couple things to know. If you are looking at a document right now, and you go to the table of elements and the concentrations, the masses and so on … It’s usually labeled the full quant table – that means full quantitation. It has six columns. I’d like to describe to you what these columns mean so you can really interpret this…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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How to interpret an ICP-MS heavy metals lab report from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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